Monday, May 28, 2007

Have A Little Talk With Jesus!

That's right I had a little talk with Jesus! I wrote and open letter and I'm soon to have an open prayer with the Father Jehovah because I have fallen short drastically. I won't disclose much other than I took a selfish course and I want to uphold and renew my relationship with him. Jehovah is my everything and I was making good progress in our relationship but I just went my own way like the son in Jesus parable.

What's so great about Jehovah is though I don't deserve his loving kindness, I can count on his forgiveness if I humbly turn to him and seek his mercy. I accept responsibility for my actions but I only seek to please him and his loving mercy. I can't help but get nervous because it's horrible knowing you disappointed the Father but accepting the punishment or correction is part of the growing process.

I just hope that he hears my pleas and give me that second chance I need to show him I am ready to fully give myself and submit to his kingship. I just hope that I can show him what sets me apart from the others so I can continue in making my path right and spreading the good news that is to be spreaded across the nations. I must make my Father Proud! To shame the one that taunts him I must bring joy to him. That is my ultimate goal and desire! To make sure he is pleased and nothing more.