Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Well I can't believe it I'm at the finish line again!

The end of another semester and Radiology for me is officially over thank GOD! I have my finals tomorrow night and I just want to make sure I get through it sane. So much studying to do but I can make it hey I'm strong. I had such an annoying start to my day but thank God it's almost over because I was pretty damn pissed due to my time being held up!

The new dog is coming home soon but hopefully it won't be as bad as I think he's going to be. You know how it is with house dogs they can be pretty naughty! I babysat my godbaby and she is really funny when she is not knocking things over.

You know this time around I make goals so my goal is to attend every class on time and pass with flying colors. I really want a great sweep like I have been doing in my other classes since Medicine is one of my faveorite subjects next to Law. I'm telling you Healthcare is my nitch!

I finally heard from a friend of mine that I haven't talked to in quite some time now. You can imagine my surprise when I got my message, shocked beyond belief. I'm glad everything is going well.

I got work that I'm finishing up on that I can't wait to surprise a few people with what I have!