Well something new I got my magazine and my books along with my brand new laptop and I am enjoying it very much to be honest. I'm like a kid at Christmas enjoying her new toys and just have to tinker with everything and I am just as giddy. Though it took long to set up I must say I need to have a little more patient.
I am looking through my books and I can't wait to get started working on these individual cases. I mean this is so exciting I can't wait to begin the work!! I am prepared and ready to take on the challenges ahead. I have Jehovah in my corner so I know I will need plenty of prayer to get me through! What is amazing to me is that it seems like all my prayers are being bestowed upon me right in front of my eyes and it's nothing short of a miracle.
Well I have one more package to wait for and my year is complete and once that package come through that will be all she wrote for me. I need to be plenty prepared for the big things that's going to happen. With Jehovah on my side there is no limit to what I can do or handle. I know I will have my struggles and will make mistakes I mean I'm human but with Jehovah on my side and by my side I know I can do all things!