Time sure flies but that doesn't mean I forgot about you. Here is what's been up lately in the life of Selfie...
Well as you know I started a new semester full of Patient Requisition forms, blood work, and many more. Yes it may seem creepy and a lot of work but hey, it happens to be what I do and I love it. So many don't understand how I would love working with patients but hey I'm a people person when it's not the same people I have to deal with every day.
My goddaughter has a birthday coming up and I can't help but be so proud of her because she is such an angel.
I will have a very full schedule in the coming days, so there will be rare updates on my blogs but don't fret I will not forget to update either one.
The single life is more fulfilling than I thought but I say this much, don't knock it til you try it! With relationships there is stress and there are trust issues and you're always put to the test. It's not worth it unless you're receiving the exact same love and respect you're giving!