Well isn't that special? We had a very long lecture in class yesterday but today is going to be long as well. I'm happy I figured out the equivalents for the first time on my own. I'm not going to lie it had me really confused but once I was instructed on what to do the rest was simple. Now, this time in class it might be more difficult than I thought but I will be ready so all I can say is bring it on.
I wrote out my prayer to Jehovah and I'm going to write another but unlike the others I not only write it but I follow it with a heartfelt prayer. Prayer is really a lot to me now since I've abandoned it for some time. That's my sole responsibility and I hold myself accountable for not making it my priority to have prayer and to have that prayer time with God.
Being that I'm now more into my goals than letting other things get in the way, I feel that I'm slowly getting back on the right track. I really do and I must say that I'm proud of myself for taking the first step which was identifying my faults. Man without Jesus in my corner I don't know what I would do because my life is not as easy as some would think since they are only viewing it from a distance.
I have been swamped with homework but it won't seem like it because I finish it in reasonable time. I take time out for many things because I know live by a schedule. The thing is I'm going to get a planner and go by my planner. It's best to be very organized with classes and everything. I have to make sure everything is in place so I can achieve my personal yet attainable goals.