You know I thought I couldn't and wouldn't but I passed both exams and I'm so proud of myself and happy as well. The only thing I can kick myself for was leaving my calculator home and having to purchase another one on campus at the bookstore. I really have to admit I was really nervous about this exam because I had to just really concentrate a bit more because the questions were worded differently and rushing can cause you to overlook something and make a simple mistake.
The single life is really more relaxing and the least stressful. I try to stay upbeat so I must be very careful at all times when it comes to trust and friendship. I must say I am very blessed to have the ones that are in my life today and I don't take their friendship for granted because they are there for me every step of the way and I'm grateful and this is from the heart I truly appreciate them.
I have been in prayer last night and I must say that was the most relaxing sleep I've had in a long time. I really didn't want to wake up but as with everything else I have to. I'm proud to say that I am happy that my puppy he is now getting into everything. He's not as mischievous as I thought he was going to be; rather he's more smart about it. He's very observant and very playful at times but he's an angel!
I got a chance to see Stormy Weather and I love it! I seen it earlier but I never had the chance to fully express why I love it. Too see the talent in every aspects was very fulfilling to me and I can't begin to say how thrilled I was by Lena Horne and The Nicholas Brothers along with Cab and Bill Robinson!!!
Gives me goosebumps every time I think about it and then there is my grandmother's favorite along with mine which is Cabin In The Sky! I love that film as well and I just can't help but bursts with pride enjoying the film. We as a people come a mighty long way and I would hate to see us back track.