Wednesday, August 1, 2007



I'm back again after a little hiatus but I'm here and I will be updating my other blog to keep the knowledge rolling! It's been a crazy week last week and this week has been kind of the straighten things out week. I had issues beyond belief going on but this week was putting things together week. The family is great now but the only thing driving me nuts is school.

You know Med school is awesome and if I had a choice I would never leave the school. Why I say that is because it's my only escape from a lot of things that irk my nerves. I purchased Aphrodite's Book and I have the three day wait to look forward to and you know what? That's not bad! I had a lesson in patience last week so what's three days right?

My HUGE prescription packet for class is going to due soon and I want to DIE because I procrastinated so long that it's not funny. Now I have to get the ball rolling. I got stared last week and it's due next Thursday so you know I'm about to loose my mind but I want to pass so I won't get stuck up again so lets get it started. I know I'm not the only one who waits until the last minute to do projects.